Saturday, November 24, 2012

How To Use a previously Used theme again in Google Chrome

You might have faced this situation. You had a theme in Google Chrome. You changed it. You did not like the second one and wanted the first one again. But you can’t find how to do it. There is no theme manager in chrome yet. There is no way to manage themes like you would apps that you have downloaded. Once you click on "Choose Theme" it will download the crx and then overwrite whatever theme you had previously installed.

By going to Settings you will see a section called Appearance, however the only revert option is to revert to default.
One way of keeping, managing, and sharing the themes you choose is to go to the themes page and share the theme you are installing with either your Gmail or Google+. This will at least provide a way to track which themes you like, and it will keep all of the links to the themes in 1 place. Here are the steps to share with a blank circle to keep it private.

  • Go to Settings > Appearance
  • Select "Get Themes"
  • Find one you want and hover over the card. Next to the "Choose Theme" button, select the "Share" button
  • Share the theme with Google+ or send it to someone on gmail.
  • Choose to share the theme with a Circle that only you are a member of, that way all the posts will be visible only by you or if you are sending an email send it to yourself

Now when you visit Google+ (or Gmail if you choose to share via email) you will have a list of all the themes you've tried or want to try in the future.

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